Snacks on a plane should not be too sticky or messy: that's just asking for trouble. Anything chocolate covered, for example, is just a disaster waiting to happen. I also try to bring a bit of a selection of savory and sweet along. Here are my favorite five snacks to bring for my own kids:
- Granola bars - These make good travel snacks, and I usually bring a big supply just in case the kids won't eat the on-board food, or if we end up delayed somewhere along the way. My kids especially like the Quaker Chewy Granola Bars
. Just make sure you don't get chocolate covered granola bars. The chocolate will probably melt in your child's hand and end up everywhere.
- Pretzels - I go for the smaller pretzels: alphabet pretzels, waffle-shaped ones, or Tiny Twists
, just because they are easier to pack in small containers.
- Crackers - I've brought various versions of the kiddie-friendly Goldfish crackers, but my kids also love the Breton Mini Crackers
and Vinta Crackers
- Raisins - a sweet treat that isn't sticky, and feels more nutritious than many other sweet snacks you can bring along (though fruit roll ups are nice too, though they tend to be a bit sticky which can be a problem).
- Muffins - On my last trip with the kids, I bought some muffins at the airport and brought on one of the flights. I might do that again because it was a big hit. Next time though, I might try to bake them at home (because I am a bit of a baking freak). I'll also try to bring mini muffins rather than the big ones, just because they're easier to pack in a container, and easier to eat without making a crumbly mess. Blueberry muffins, banana muffins, lemon poppy seed... pick a variety your kids like and you've got a great travel snack.
When I fly with the kids, I also bring some candy along, stuff I know they really love. I use these special treats when the kids are getting very bored or antsy (for example when we're waiting in a long lineup). I find it helps take their minds off whatever might be bugging them for a bit, hopefully long enough for the mood to pass. I usually bring:
- Lollipops - because my daughter loves them
- Fruit Gummies
- because that tiny bit of fruit juice makes them slightly better for you than straight up candy, right?
- Smarties - because they are chocolate, but won't melt in your hand (or in your bag)
To pack the snacks I bring:
- Plastic containers with lids - For example the Lock & Lock Containers
. These are awesome for pretty much any kind of snack and keep them from getting crushed in the hand luggage.
- Ziploc bags - Bags won't protect snacks from being crushed, but are good for sturdy snacks, and also for garbage and leftover, half-eaten snacks.
- Lunch bags/boxes - I usually put the snacks (packaged in containers or bags) for the kids into a lunch box that then goes into their hand luggage. That way, the snacks are easy to find in the hand luggage.
- And I always, always bring one Litterless Juice Box
per child. I pour any drinks they get on board into these, and it really helps avoid spills.
excellent list. i'm off on a very long flight, and was out of snack ideas.
Thank you! And have a good flight. I'm not heading out with the kids again for another couple of months. Thinking mini-blueberry muffins for that trip!